Meet Katie Truscott – Entrepreneur in Green Technology!

I am a positive, driven entrepreneur that thrives from new experiences and learning.  I am passionate about marketing, wine and travel/culture.  I am a partner and the marketing director for Green Leaf Alternative Solutions, an exciting Green technology business.  Green Leaf Alternative Solutions provides a single point of contact for all of your Green solutions. We offer clients a variety of Green building services and products. Green Leaf is dedicated to helping commercial, residential, industrial and institutional clients achieve their environmental goals with practical, turnkey solutions. We offer the assessment, measurement, supply, installation and commissioning of the following technology:

 – Solar Systems – 
Energy Efficient Lighting – 
Home Automation
 – Water-based Under Floor Heating – 
Rain Water management – 
Grey Water management – 
Biomite Septic tanks
 – Energy Efficient Pool Pumps – Energy Efficient Air-conditioning – 
Potable Water Generation (creating water from air) – Solar Lighting.

  • What are you most passionate about?

Music, travel/culture, wine & all things sustainable!

  • What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

Swimming on the edge of the Victoria Falls.

  • What makes you angry?

People who litter.

Misuse of the words: there, they’re and their; your, you’re; to & too!!!

  • If you inherited an acre of land what would you do with it?

I would love to own and run my own market.  Live music, fresh produce, wine & sunshine…bliss!

  • Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer? 

Most definitely a little of both.

  • How many pairs of shoes  do you own?

Far too many.

  • If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us?

One of my all time favourite dishes in the summer is sustainably caught salmon with an apricot/bbq glaze on the braai with a delicious spinich salad to go alongside.  Also anything Mexican is fine by me!  Depending on the season you would most likely get one of those dishes…paired with wine, lots of wine!

  • How would people communicate in a perfect world?

Without anger or judgement.  Patiently and politely.

  • What do you work toward in your free time?

Completing my courses in wine studies.

  • If you woke up and had 300 unread emails and could only answer 30 of them, how would you choose which ones to answer?

I would scan through any spam and focus on those that are from friends, family and work related issues.

  • Name 3 things in nature you find most beautiful.

Flora & fauna, wildlife and sunshine.

  • Have you used plastic bags for your shopping in the last two weeks?


  • What would you say are some small steps that people can take to improve their relationship to the environment?

In order to respect the environment it’s important that you embrace it! Get outside and spend more time in the outdoors. By building a bond with nature your respect will grow for it. In your own space it’s the little things that count. Minimising your trash by recycling as much as possible, fixing faulty taps, focusing on an indigenous garden and investing in sustainable technology are just some of the ways that not only assist in saving the planet, but will teach you to better appreciate the earth and its precious resources.


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