Helen Hansen is a kinesiologist specialising in meridian therapy, archetypal psychology and mind-body healthcare. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to assess levels of disturbance in the physiology and psychology of the individual. Kinesiology also uses muscle testing to confirm modes for revitalising and restoring wellbeing.
Since childhood Helen has been intrigued by how life works, from the life in our cells, to our worldly interaction as well as the stories in our head. Needless to say, one of her archetypes is the researcher. Helen has been working/playing with mind-body healing and development for twenty five years. Her own journey of healing through years of fibromyalgia (which completed ten years ago), alongside the healing journey of thousands of clients served Helen to continue on this path of discovery, awareness and application. For what good is knowledge when it is not applied?
Helen is the founder of Holistic Health, a platform of self-study health courses, empowering the individual to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. Helen provides online sessions for adults, children and animals.
How did your journey into Holistic Health come into existence – and how has it impacted your life?
My personal health crisis, along with being a Mom and wanting the best for my child played huge roles in my health education and research. Thereafter, the journeys I take with my clients have been hugely impactful in my awareness and understanding of the human holistic being.
If you had a theme song, what would it be?
‘Long Time Sun’
What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
To be authentically me.
If you were given one thousand acres of land what would you do with it?
Turn it into a food forest.
Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer?
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I don’t know exactly, a few, certainly less than 10.
If we came to your house for dinner, what would you prepare for us?
It would be a bring and share and I would supply the green juice.
How would people communicate in a perfect world?
When you have 30 minutes of free time – how do you pass it?
Meditating, or connecting with my son, or dancing in my living room.
Where do you go and what do you do to find peace and recharge?
Being outdoors gives me peace; being still recharges me.
If you could know the absolute answer to one question, what question would you ask?
What is the question to ask for that one absolute answer?
If you could write one new law that everybody had to obey, what would it be?
Know yourself, Love yourself, Be Yourself.
What is the most interesting thing you have seen or read this week?
“People would do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own soul.” – Carl Jung
What skill or craft would you like to master?
Enlightened self-awareness
If you could dedicate your life to solving one problem, what would it be?
Eradicating disease and poor health, for your health is your wealth.