Salads & Side Dishes

Forget simple lettuce, tomato and cucumber – you’ll be amazed at how many awesome SALAD RECIPES are out there.  The ideas on this page are creative and affordable – check them out!

A GREAT was to have a steady stream of healthy recipes at your fingertips is to download the PLANT-BASED RECIPE COOKBOOK.  This includes over 100 mouth-watering recipes for Everyone to Enjoy!  The cookbook contains real-food that you can easily find at your local supermarket, including a variety of tofu, tempeh soy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. So even if you are a meat-eater and want to try a vegan for 30 days, then there are plenty of meat-free recipes that you will love!

If you are Vegan, considering a vegan lifestyle or simply want to include more plant-based recipes in your meal plans, you’ll LOVE VEGAN UNLEASHED.  With Vegan Unleashed you will receive 5 ebooks for only $17 – literally hundreds of vegan meals filled with nutritious ingredients!

“To remember a successful salad is generally to remember a successful dinner; at all events, the perfect dinner necessarily includes the perfect salad.”
George Ellwanger (1848-1906)

Read more quotes about the marvels of the simple salad. ?